Auto Insurance Claims: Will my auto policy cover loss of car due to need for engine if no engines are available?, mechanical breakdowns, party insurance

My 2003 Landrover Freelander engine is in the process of dying. It's a well verified national problem with this model. Replacement re-built engines are unavailable for purchase because so many owners are trying to buy them that parts sellers are all sold out. An engine from the dealership cost more than three times the value of the car. I now can't sell the car because it won't run more than a few blocks before dying. Have been towed home twice in a week after being stranded in traffic which was dangerous and scary. It has a new transmission but now without an engine or money to buy one if an affordable one were even available- I need advice. I can't drive it, sell it for anything beyond scrap parts, and it's parked in the garage. It's a beautiful car that's been well maintained with documented service records. Will my policy be able to help me for total loss of vehicle or anything else? I am well covered by St. Farm but want to become informed before calling my wonderful agent. Please advise. I do not have the funds to buy another car at this point in time and am stuck.


You need to read your policy for exclusions from coverage for losses such as the one you described. If there are no named exclusions specific to your situation, then I would file a claim in good conscience. Mechanical breakdowns, however, are often named exclusions from first party insurance benefits. I would be interested in the outcome of your insurer's response and would like an e mail to me at [email protected] for my own information.

Good luck,
