Auto Insurance Claims: hit 2 times, hit 2 times

My wife and I were the front car of a five car accident(CA). The TCR states that all cars were stopped  until car number 5 slammed into car number four and started the chain reaction of cars hitting into each other . My wife was standing on the brake and did not hit the car in front of us. Is there responsibility put onto the car that actually hit us( directly behind us) or only the car that started the chain reaction?
We were hit by the car behind us first and then the chain reaction happened but the report states that my wife did not know how many times she was hit.... I was there and I know it was twice. Can i get that changed?

Hello Eric,

The vehicle behind would not have liability unless it hit your first, and then it was hit a second time. If that is the case, that driver would be responsible for at least a portion of your damages (a percentage).

The insurance companies will likely call for a recorded statement and they will probably be looking to determine that (how many impacts). It's likely that they will ask this from both driver and passenger (you).

See more about recorded statements here:

It will be a question of evidence, and with a police report stating different information, this could be difficult.

If the vehicle behind you was in a complete stop and was pushed into your car, they will likely have no liability at all.

I hope this helps,

Good Luck