Auto Insurance Claims: car accident, minor fender, accidant

QUESTION: Please help.
My mother was recently involved in a very minor fender bump when she was parallel parking.
The other driver lied on several occasions - firstly, her car was involved in a previous accident where the damage that she is now claiming was made by my mother's car was actually made in the last accident and was photographed by the provincial insurance company, she only told us of the other accident after we proved to her that the fender damage could not have been made by our car due to the position of the bumpers of the 2 vehicles. So she retracted her original statement and said that our bump caused the fender to split - however when reviewing the photos from her first accident we could see that this was also present before our incident after her first accidant. She was obviously lying to the insurance company as well because they have deemed us to be responsible for this damage.
Also since our incident the other car's bumper was adjusted by the son of the driver so that the bumper does not split.

Please advise me on how I can deal with the insurance company and make them believe that this lady is making a fraudulent claim.

ANSWER: I would simply give the information to your own insurance company and let them fight it out with the other driver's insurance company.  Once you dicslose everything then it's your own carrier's responsibility to sort it out.

Best regards,

Ernest Ferraro

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: actually it is the provincial carrier ICBC in British Columbia who is responsible for insuring all cars of the province. Can you still help?

I'm sorry but Canadian insurance rules are beyond my expertise.

However, I would suggest that you prepare a packet of evidence and a well organized cover letter to establish your version of the story.  I would then send it certified mail to the insurance carrier.  Don't forget to keep a copy.

Best of luck.