Auto Insurance Claims: Medical Release, automobile accident, medical release

I was a passenger in an automobile accident and the owner of the vehicle who was at fault's insurance sent me a medical release to sign. I don't really want to sign this release, as it gives them permission to get ALL of my medical records - before and after the accident. I have nothing to hide, but I don't feel they have a right to information unrelated to the accident. Do I have to sign this form or can I get the medical records on my own and send them to the insurance company? I noticed it says I am signing voluntarily and can refuse, but the way they are making it sound is if I don't sign, I won't get a settlement. Please help!

Hi Tonya,

That is correct. If you don't sign they will not settle. The reason they want to look into your past medical history is to see if you have ever had any related injuries or conditions to the same area that is affected by the accident. This is so they can reduce your settlement if their insured only re-injured a previously injured area. If you are still unsure, you should consider consulting an attorney.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh