Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance Claim - Are they going to deny?, deer hair, renewal time

Two days ago, I was traveling on a highway with a high incidence of deer. I suddenly spotted a deer standing in my lane. I swerved to avoid contact (which I managed to do), lost control of the car, hit the concrete embankment beneath an overpass, drove onto the embankment, and eventually made it down to a complete stop on the shoulder. The only damage I can see is to the front bumper. Not thinking straight, I decided to drive away without contacting the police.

Here is where it gets weird. My car was damaged while traveling on the same highway almost exactly a year ago when I was unable to avoid a deer carcass in my lane in time and proceeded to run over it. Damage incurred was similar ($1200 worth), though there was deer hair in the wheel well to support my claim.

I'm worried that my insurance company going to deny my claim due to the fact that the circumstances were too similar and the incidents were close time wise. Any advice? Is there a possibility they would drop me from coverage?

Hi John,

Unfortunately, the only ones that can tell you what the affect this incident will have on your insurance is your insurance company. Each insurance company sets its own underwriting criteria and guidelines.

You should just file the claim, tell the truth and see what happens. I can tell you from experience that you would have been better off to have hit the deer. When you explain that you swerved to mis the deer and lost control of your vehicle, they will likely determine this to be an at fault collision rather than a comprehensive claim and you will be charged with an at-fault accident. Even if they do not cancel your policy, they will likely raise your rates at renewal time.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh