Auto Insurance Claims: Duel liability, small claims court, oppisite side
Question I was in an accident, where a car came out of a private drive and didn't yield to me while h was trying to make a left turn. I was forced to brake and ended up crashing into him. The police report came back and showed him as the person at fault. His insurance is now telling me he is going to dispute the police report and he has pictures of skid marks that are on the oppisite side of the white bike lane, he's trying to now say i crashed into him and he didn't come into traffic. My wife took pictures with her cell phone before the cars were moved and in the photos I can see the skid marks he is talking about, but they are clearly to me, not from this accident. My car is still in the road and the debris is in the road none off, and all before these alleged skid marks and his car position seem to back up mine and the police report. BUT the insurance agent of his seems to want to go with their insured over me and I want to know what can be done to protect myself. I have 2 forms of proof and he has one false one which I feel I can dispute. How can I defend this?
AnswerA liability carrier will do or say anything to get out of paying a claim. If you think you can present your case in a logical manner and convince a judge, take him to small claims court. If you win there, you will be paid 100% of the damage repair costs.