Auto Insurance Claims: bent frame, auto accident bent frame

my mother was in an accident. its a 2008 car. did $8000 in damage. it was hit in the front tire on the passenger side. it bent the frame. the adjustor said subbaru car frames come in 3 pieces and can be ordered and welded together. i thought a bent frame would mean the car was a total loss. also, do they have the right to find used car panels etc... to replace parts or does she have the right to have everything brand new? the accident happened in pennsylvania and she is from maine and they said this will take a few weeks. time is money for her. thank you

Yes they can replace pieces of the frame. In fact it also acceptable to repair/straighten the frame. Unless the was was less than a year old, its ok to go with used parts. As to the repair time, if its your own company, you get a rental car if you have a rental car coverage endorsement. If its the other drivers insurance company, they owe you a rental car during repairs.