QuestionQUESTION: Is there time limit in which an insurance company can stop responding to claims sent in on an accident by an insured? My situation is this. I was involved in a car accident 2 years ago in which the other vehicle's driver was at fault. It resulted in some spinal and muscular damage from me. Treatment for this resulted in me taking at least 10-15 hours off from work each day for almost a year for therapy. Initially, I sent in a form showing how many hours of work I missed that initial week, and I made sure the attending case agent was aware of this and that there would be further ensuing lost time for treatment. Well, at this point in time, after the first 6 months, I have not heard from anyone nor have I received any communication from the insurance company/agent regarding my case. I have sent multiple e-mails, written 2 letters, and made several phone calls regarding my claim. I also have proof of these correspondences. Ultimately, I need to know if this is legal on my former insurance company's part. I don't want to be told sometime down the line that my claim was closed and I can't take legal action if necessary.
ANSWER: Alfred,
What state are you located in?
Insurance companies typically can take as much time to respond and act as they please. That is, until you file a lawsuit. Then they are forced to respond in a more timely manner. But even then they generally use the "deny, delay and defend" tactic when they want to avoid payment.
It sounds like they are giving you the classic runaround and hoping you'll just get frustrated and go away. My suggestion would be to retain an attorney and file a lawsuit. It's not as complicated or time consuming as it seems the claims process has been for you.
Feel free to contact me if you need more help.
Best regards.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you very much for the prompt response Ernest. I currently reside in Minnesota. Just what kind of lawyer would I need to find? And, would you have any to refer me to in the state of Minnesota? Once again, thanks for the prompt response. I was quite pleased by the time it took.
AnswerYou need a personal injury lawyer. But Minnesota is a 2 year statute of limitations which means you can't bring a lawsuit if it's been 2 years from the date of the accident.
The insurance companies sometimes string you along when they know that the statute is set to expire. That may be what happened to you.
If it hasn't been 2 years since the date of the accident then send me a private message and I'll get you the name of a personal injury lawyer in your state.
Best regards,
Ernest Ferraro