Auto Insurance Claims: Hit by car, auto accident lost wages
QuestionI was in a car wreck about 2 months ago, and the insurance company is doing an investigation on my work place, (For Lost Wages) but my boss pays me in cash, and I don’t want him to have any trouble caused by this, so if you can tell me what we should expect from this investigation they are doing? My boss is willing to give a notarized letter proving I work for him and how much I make and will be including his full name, contact numbers, business name and all the personal information.If we give them this letter will it be enough, because I have no other way to prove that I work for him for them to give me my lost wages for the past 2 months and why they sent me a paper to sign? Thank you!
AnswerUnless they suspect your boss of fraud, the notarized letter should be ok. If it goes to litigation, your boss might have to allow an auditor to look at his books. If the "paper to sign" is a release, don't sign it unless you accept your settlement. If the paper is an authorization to check wages and medical info, sign it if you have nothing to hide.