Auto Insurance Claims: Balance Billing, carefirst bcbs, mva in md

Several years ago I was injured in an MVA in MD and received medical treatment. The total of all my bills, including time off from work exceeded the $2,500 PIP coverage and subsequent medical bills were submitted to my primary health insurance, Carefirst BCBS.

It took three years to settle the case. At that point, my healthcare provider billed me the balance remaining after BCBS paid their portion of the medical claims. I was informed that their contract with BCBS allowed balance billing if the treatment was for an MVA and a settlement was reached. Since I have know the doctor for several years, I trust that he would have the correct information and would not lie to me. He said that BCBS is the only insurance company that allows balance billing in their contract for MVA settlements. Is this information correct?

Hi Elysia,

Unfortunately, your question is regarding specific policy provisions of a specific insurance company. The only way for you to get that answer would be to call Blue Cross Blue Shield and ask them. They would be in the best position to explain their policy provisions.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh