Auto Insurance Claims: drinnking and driving, state insurance department, 18 wheeler
QuestionQUESTION: I hit the back of a 18 wheeler. no one was hurt and my car was beat up. i was given summonse from police for dui and reckless driving. will my insurance still pay for damages becuase i was drinking? if the car is totalled will they pay as well?
ANSWER: You had coverage as of the time of the accident, so yes, your insurer will pay the claim. Be prepared for a rate increase or cancelation afterwards.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Great thank you, So just to be sure they will pay the claim on my car that has full coverage. ? the truck had no damage it is just my vehicle. my insurance company is allstate and i hear they are very tough on things like this. i just need to kow again thank you so much!!!!
AnswerYou had better check with your agent to see if there are any exclusions in your policy. I have seen insurance companies pay claims for DUI convicted policyholders in the past, but would not want to give you incorrect information. These issues are a matter of regulation, so a good resource would by your state insurance department, every one of which maintains a web site for reference purposes.