Auto Insurance Claims: Rights as a Policyholder, slippery roads, minor impact

Sunday, PennDot didn't salt the roads properly, and I slid into another girl's car. She got my information and I asked her for hers, seeming to go get it, she got in the car and took off. I filed a police report about her leaving the scene. But, within two hours of the accident, she had all ready filed a claim on my insurance. What rights do I have with my insurance company?


Tell them your side of the story.  If the police report matches up with your story then that's good support for your side of it.

However, since you did slide into her you'll probably be found responsible for the accident.  Slippery roads is a mitigating factor but it doesn't relieve you of liability for the accident.

I know it's not what you want to hear but I think that's how it will play out.  If no one was hurt it should have a minor impact on you.

Best of luck,

Ernest Ferraro