QuestionI was involved in a 4 car pile-up accident. I was #2 counting from the top and was able to stop in time (even though very close), but hit by the one behind me (#3). I felt two impacts so I guess #3 hit me and then #4 hit #3. #3 sustained the most damage. #4 (bottom one) got the airbag blown. #1 damage was smaller($800). The police report is not available for weeks, I was told. Now my concern is that my insurance agent seems not putting 100% faith to work things for me. The second time I spoke with him, he was not happy about my bringing up the issue of diminished value claim, and spoke as if he was assuming I was at fault since one of the drivers (#3)sent him an e-mail describing what happened and that was "adamant" on me hitting #1 first. It was almost intimidating since he even brought up #1 driver was pregnant and suggested she might come up with medical claims against me. He did not state those things as matter-of fact.
1. Now what should I do? Should I just wait for the police report to come to clarify things, or write a statement of my version to fight back with that "adamant" e-mail messages, or complain to his boss, or consult a lawyer, or anything else?
2. I have not contacted other driver's (#3 and #4's insurance companies, but would I better file diminished value claims with them directly, rather than with my own insurance company?
AnswerHello John
let me answer your specific questions.
1. The police report will be critical here. It appears that everyone is blaming everyone else. A common situation on rear end accidents. Who hit who and what is the amount of liability of each. Because the word v. word situation, you will either have to come up with a witness or hopefully have a police report that will help your case.
2. Diminished value is a hard claim to make. Insurance companies HATE having to deal with this. Your own insurance company might have excluded you from being able to make that claim under your policy. You will have to read it carefully to see if you are entitled to more than the repair of the car (economic loss damages).
You can make a third party diminished value claim against the people that hit you, but everything will depend on fault.
See more about diminished value here:
I hope this helps,
Good Luck