Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance Co claiming damage didnt happen during accident, blown fuse, passenger doors

I was involved in a car wreck in which the other driver pulled out from the parking lot across 3 lanes of traffic, causing me to t-bone him.  The police report states that it is his fault.  Mostly minor front end damage.  (The estimate states $1274.)  Filed the claim, took it to the shop.  I informed the insurance company and the shop that the air bag sensor was going off and the windows on both the front driver and passenger doors are stuck.  (One won't roll up, the other won't roll down.)  They guy at the shop is stating that there is no way that is from the wreck, in fact, he says that there is no way there was any electical from it.  He didn't even know about the air bag sensor until I asked seemed as though he didn't even turn the car on.  The insurance company is going with what he is saying, and not paying for the windows, they are also stating that I didn't mention it the day of the wreck, which I know that I did, as it was pouring down rain.  My car is less than 2 years old.  Never been in a wreck, never had a problem......until this guy hits me.  Now, they are saying that they won't pay....I don't have the money to pay for that.  I don't know what to do.  Can you help me?

Hi Barbara,

The only way to get the insurance company to pay is to find another expert that can diagnose the problem and be willing to state in writing that the problems are the diect result of the accident. That expert would also need to be willith to testify in court to that fact if need be.

The other thing you can try is, after the repairs are completed, take your car to the dealer and simply tell them the windows are not operable. The may cover the repair under your warrantt at no charge.  It is likely just a blown fuse or relay.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh