Auto Insurance Claims: total loss claim, total loss claim
Questioni was in accident, other driver ran stop sign, he was in rental car, didnt have insurance said it was a corporate rental account. i live in texas major city and he lives in atlanta, i filed on his personal auto insurance. they have decided my 2002 silverado will be a total loss. i dont know what they will offer yet but i am sure it will not be enough to get another one for same $. i was blessed and not injured i just want to have what a had before my truck was ruined,another truck that was paid for, and if i disagree how does the law work with parties from 2 different states
AnswerHello Kim,
I think the law of the state where the accident occurred prevails, but you can double check this with a lawyer or the state department of insurance or the small claims court clerk. This is probably more important for injury claims and less important for property damage claims.
Yes, you will probably be underpaid for the value of your vehicle. Most insurers use the same computer appraisal services in all states, so the techniques to combat them are mostly the same in all states. I suggest you consider the eBook from entitled Total Loss Auto for Claimants. It has a money back guarantee.