Auto Insurance Claims: rear ended, rear ended 2, massive pain

I was rear-ended 2 weeks ago in Missouri while sitting at a red light.  Minor damage to car, minor damage to me.  I have had my car appraised at $1450.  During this time I have gone to a chiropractor and have about $800 total bills and have been released.  The other party insurance has offered me $1500 to settle claim.  I didn't miss work, didn't have massive pain and suffering other than being really sore for a week, so I feel this is fine.  What I don't know is, out of that $1500 settlement, I am not expected to pay the chiropractor correct???  If I am then I need to ask for a higher settlement to pay for car and chiro.  My chiropractor called the adjuster and all he was told was fax in the final bill and a check would be sent to him for payment. My chiro said he never had a case so simple, and maybe too simple.  I just want to make sure I get my chiropractic bill paid in full along with my car bill paid in full.  

Hi Thad,

You should request the insurance adjuster send you a letter or an email that explains in detail the terms of the settlement. The cost of repairs for your car should be seperate from the injury claim. You should specifically ask the adjuster if that are going to pay the chiropractor bills in addition to the $1500.00 they offered you. In most cases, you are responsible for paying the medical bills out of the settlement you receive. You should not agree to any settlement or cash any check they send you for anything unless you completely understand it. It is the adjusters job to confuse you to try to get you to settle for less that you are entitled to. Its up to you to force them to explain everything so you understand it.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh