Auto Insurance Claims: auto policy claim, snow bird, policy language

i moved from NY to Ga last year and did not inform geico to reflect the change.  i was involved in an accident in Ga last month, geico was paying my medical and disability bills, now they have stopped paying because i did not inform them of my change. can they do this?


Depending on your policy language, yes they can.

I currently have a similar situation, however I am being a snow bird residing down south until it gets warmer. I do however still have a residence in WI.

My agent is fully aware of the fact that I am temporarily out of the state of residence. It would be stupid to change D/Ls and ins every 3-4 months.

It seems though you have been gone from GA for a year and the ins company's argument could be that you did not tell them of the move to possibly save money on the premium.

The other problem is that your insurance is rated for a specific area. Cost is measured by the amount of accidents in that region etc.

You may have coverage problems.
