Auto Insurance Claims: insurance claim, total loss retention
Questionhey i live in vermont and got in an accident. it was his fault and i am dealling with his insurance company. i gave them an estimate of 2100 and the called me back with the number of 2300 if i keep the vehical and 3300 if they take it i am very confused. i have the means of getting it fixed but why would they take my title. will i get it back and will i be able to reg, the vehicle again.
AnswerThey are deeming your vehicle a total loss and telling you the vehicle is worth $1000.00 in it's wrecked condition, but $3300.00 if it had not been in a wreck. They are not willing to pay for the repair, but will pay you for the car minus the salvage value. Does that make sense?
If you don't understand you can find me easy and call us directly. If you don't think you're getting a fair offer for the value, we can also assist and explain your options. Anyway, you are now dealing with a total loss. I do suggest you get a little more assistance if you are confused.
I hope this helps!
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Justin Petty