Auto Insurance Claims: 3rd Party for my son Im at fault, 3rd Party for my son Im

I was driving our suburban towing a travel trailer when we were passed on the left by a tractor trailer doing at least 80 mph. We were on I95 in Virginia.(we live in Pa)  The wind it created and possibly a small pothole in the road caused our trailer to jack knife.  We rolled over onto our passenger side. Both car and trailer were totaled.  We were blessed to not have hit anyone or anything else and survived with just bumps and bruises except for our 9 year old who was diagnosed with PTSD. He saw a counselor at school and a psychologist over the summer. Our insurance company contacted us about a 3rd party settlement for my husband and son.  Is PTSD considered a minor injury?

Hello Cyndee,

I am sorry to hear about your accident. That sounds like a pretty bad experience.

Regarding PTSD being considered a minor injury, it really depends on the medical diagnosis. If this was a one time treatment with no possible flare up, then the insurance company will argue that this is a minor injury. If there is evidence that this will continue and will cause a great cause of pain, then you can argue that this is a permanent injury.

For more about injury claims, please see:

Good Luck,