Auto Insurance Claims: personal injury claim & PIP, personal injury claim & PIP
QuestionHello. I am trying to resolve a personal injury claim with the at fault party's insurance. The adjuster has offered an amount that is less than even the chiropractic bills. I previously filed a claim with my PIP. The adjuster is now asking if I have filed a PIP claim and if any bills have been paid. Do I have to give them this information? How will it affect my claim? The offer is already lower than I would be willing to accept. Since my PIP has paid a portion, can/will the liable insurance company lower the offer?
-from Texas
AnswerHell Ashli,
You want to make sure that the all insurance companies know about your medical expenses. This is what they will consider when giving you a settlement for pain and suffering. PIP will have to work directly with the other insurance company regarding getting those bills paid (100% of them).
Your settlement must be in excess of that amount if you want money to your pocket. If you cannot settle for more of your medical bills, you insurance company will be short, but THEY DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to come after you for the shortfall.
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Good Luck