Auto Insurance Claims: Third Party Diminished Value - Pennsylvania, delay tactic, substantial damage


Recently I was hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light and broad sided my car as I was passing through an intersection, resulting in substantial damage to my vehicle and setting off a majority of my air bags.

No one was really injured, but now the fiasco starts regarding my vehicle.

Initially, the insurance company mentioned possibly totaling the vehicle out, which was what I would have preferred, but have now decided to repair it instead.  When I was told this, I asked about getting a diminished value settlement for my vehicle and was told they would have to get back to me regarding this.

I am wondering if there is any advice that can be given to help out with this situation.  The vehicle was damaged pretty extensively, and I really do not want to drive it once it is repaired, it will never be the same as it was before their client hit me, so I will end up selling it once it is given back to me...most likely for substantially less than I would have been able to prior to this accident.

Any advice would be welcomed, and I have already gathered as much information regarding this issue as I could find.


You need to get an appraisal from a licensed appraiser in PA in order to file a DV claim. If you live east of Harrisburg, I may be able to assist you in the claim and its filing. If not, look online for DV appraisers local to you.

Since there are no laws in PA to compell an insurer to settle a DV claim fairly, it is left up to the courts. The point is to make a strong case before filing the claim so you don't end up in court, which is just a delay tactic. The vast majority of my customers never see a courtroom and settle their claims.

Visit my site for more information

I do on occasion do business in Pittsburgh, although not as frequently as the Easter half of the state. I will do work west of the Susquehanna twice this month, so contact me by e mail at [email protected]