Auto Insurance Claims: Uninsured Motorists Claim, ditch digger, uninsured motorists

I was hurt in my company vehicle by stolen car, person left the scene, so I am filing on my uninsured motorists for my company car.  I was not working at the time.  I have had two surgeries and Dr. bills that will probably total around $50K. I have had lost time approximate 10K, I do not want to consult an attorney.  can you tell me approximately how I will know how much to accept from the Insurance Company?  I am also disabled 80% on my foot because of the wreck.  I am having a joint fusion.  can you tell me how I can estimate on what is owed me?

Kayla, go to this website - Appears to be for auto injury claims primarily. The author is selling a book for $19.95 which based on his “about the author” page, should be a good value. We have not seen the book. It has a free gimmicky claim calculator on the front page.

As to getting an attorney, I suggest getting your best offer from the insurer, then try to find an attorney who will apply his fee to the amount "over" what you were offered. 50% is fair.

Generally you multiply the actual and expected future costs times 2 to 4 times, depending on your situation. A scar on the face of a model is worth more than on a ditch digger.