Auto Insurance Claims: Auto accident bodyly injury : biased chiropractic reports, auto accident body injury



I was rear ended while waiting for the traffic light a month and 15 days ago. I was the driver and my girlfriend was on the passenger seat. She went for physical therapy and I went to a Chiropractor unfortunately.
I went to Chiropractor for 3 weeks for my lower back pain. I felt that this treatment was not helping me in between but thought to give it a shot. I still have a little back pain but I quit active treatment as I got a new job and have to move. I recently received the chiropractor's reports that says I overexaggrated and malingered about my back pain.
I am very disappointed and angry at this and need your advise on this. What should be my next step. Shall I go to a doctor / lawyer around here and how will insurance company treat my insurance claim now ? What are the steps I should take to prove myself and get myself what I deserve. I would highly appreciate an open response based on your experience.

First see what the adjuster will offer you for settlement and tell him the truth about the chiropractor if he asks about his opinion. He will find out anyway later.

Second, if you are not happy with the offer, seek an attorney to take your case on a percentage "over and above" the offer. If you can't find such an attorney (and it takes looking around) if he only wants a percentage of everything, then let him have it, as long as he promises to get you to his own doctor for an opinion at no cost to you.