Auto Insurance Claims: Car insurance interstate coverage policies, policy provisions, coverage policies

A New Jersey licensed insured driver domicilied in New Jersey will be driving her parents New York registered insured vehicle usually with the owner of the vehicle who is a licensed and insured New York driver. Will any provisions need to be made on one or both policies or will regular policy provisions be in force. The frequency is once per week. Thank you


Hi Bill,

The New Jersey person should be added to the New York Policy. In most cases you can loan a vehicle to someone without any issues. However, when a vehicle is made available to someone on a regular basis they should be added to the policy. Different insurance companies will have different requirements. There may be an issue due to the driver being in a different state for example.

You will have to contact the insurance company in question and ask thenm what the proper procedure would be in order for the New Jersey driver to be covered without the potential for any issues down the road.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh