QuestionQUESTION: My son and were in an accident in February of 2008 , I was stopped at an intersection waiting on the vehicle in front of me to turn , I was rear-ended by a Chevrolet 4WD truck equipped with a brush guard causing $13,166.76 in damage to my Vehicle which has been repaired by the insured's policy , His truck was totaled . My Son and I both went to the ER . We both followed up with a specialist . After starting therapy my Dr. ordered an MRI of my neck resulting a Herniated disc with a protrusion @ C6 and C7 . My son had alot of pain and soreness but nothing compared to mine . Months After going to therapy and three specialist . The Dr suggested that i have steroid injections in which i am allergic to . My end result was that I would have to have surgery on my disc or possibly suffer permanent nerve damage or worse. I was terrified of surgery. I did research on the proceedure, and I waited as long as i could but the pain was getting worse. I then sought a second opinion , with the same out come , He also said that i needed surgery. I had surgery with some complications in recovery with medication that was given to me ,I have alot of trouble with medications and allergic reactions to them . I also contacted a staph infection from some where . I am still having the same pain plus plus more that has occurred since my surgery.I was told by my specialist that i would have to have surgery on my shoulder if the surgery from my neck didnt relieve the pain .
Anyway , the statue of limitations were getting close so I contacted the insurance adjuster to get things started with my settlement , I requested a copy of the insureds coverage and policy limits . They were 100/300/100 liability . I have documented everything that has happened and all the trouble i have been having . I submitted to the claims adjuster a copy of all mine and my sons medical bills . Totaling at $119,184.00 . I have received a letter from the adjuster trying to settle for $100,000.00 for myself and $3000.00 for my son . Am I to understand that his policy limits mean 100 per person and up to 300 if there was more than one person in the vehicle ?? The offer that she has made will not even pay all my medical bills .Would
/could it be possible In a settlement together allowing me to get more from the (up to 300,000.00 limit ) Part of the policy ....or Is that up to the claims adjuster and is it legal ?
Up until now i have handled everything on my own , I dont know that much about the laws and insurance . I have never had an accident before and I could really use some good advise as to where to go from here and what my options are. I do not believe the amount that she is offering me is a fair or just amount for all the pain and trouble i have endured as a result of the accident . Its altered my life and affected my relationship with my children and my husband , he's asked for a divorce . The list goes on and on . I have read all that is available on Dr. settlements web . I can not afford to join . I just need to know what my options are and what to do next. Any advise that is reasonable and legal a would be greatly appreciated
Thank you , Codie
ANSWER: Hello Codie,
You need a lawyer with that type of injury and issues. Also see:
Good Luck,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ok , let me ask this ....Given all the info and your knowledge,In your own opinion, (not legal advise) . Going by what you know with his limits being 100/300/100 could I counter offer in the amount of 300 for my son and i which is the max of his policy limits of liability coverage or is that allowed ?
Thanks, Codie
P.s. if anyone else has any suggestions on this matter please let me know
AnswerHello Codie,
Generally speaking, a 100/300 limit is per person, and for a total amount. If you have 2 people injured, the max the could recover under that policy is $200,000 (100,000 K each. the other 100K cannot be touched even if the others have injuries or medical bills that exceed that amount). If you have 3 people, they would receive 300K (100k each). If there are four people, the max all could recover is 300K, but they would have to pro rate (diminish) each injure person's injury.
As I said, your situation requires an attorney.
Good Luck