Auto Insurance Claims: Mother lied to insurance about who was driving, true driver, accurate report
QuestionMy daughter's boyfriend was in an accident the other day where he felt it was his fault. He changed lanes thinking he was free and clear but to his surprise another car was there and he scratched the side of the driver's car. He felt that the car must have been speeding but can't prove it. Anyway, the girl driving was 16, maybe younger, and unlicensed and had 2 other children in the car with her that were younger than her. She begged him not to call the police and never having a wreck before he did not call the police. He gave the girl his insurance information. A day later the mother of the girl gave him a call and asked him to lie and say that she (the mother) had been driving the car. She was not even at the scene. He let her know that he would not lie to the insurance company. However, the next day she called his insurance and filed a claim, saying the she was driving the car. The insurance company acts like they are going to pay for the claim. Does the mother and her daughter get away with these illegal acts without a scratch. Is there anything that my daughter's boyfriend can do legally about the mother trying to defraud the insurance company? Is it too late to report any of this to the police? Thanks.
AnswerHi Lyn,
Your daughter's boyfriend needs to make an accurate report of the accident to his
insurance company. This should include the true information about the driver and
other passengers in the car. He should also inform his company of the mother's attempt
to have him lie regarding the true driver.
The fact that the girl was unlicensed has no legal bearing on her legal right to
recover damages from your daughter's boyfriend who was the at-fault driver.
He needs to set the records straight on the circumstances before his own company
begins to think that he is part of the fraud.
I hope this helps.
San Francisco Bay Area