QuestionQUESTION: On 02/01/2009 my 2008 Nissan Pathfinder was stolen and later found completely burned and striped of all internal parts. I filed a police report which left out important details of my statement however included an penis exposure which had nothing to do with my claim. After numerous attempts to speak with the officer, I yet have had the opportunity to speak with him or the obtain a correct report. On March 24, 2009 after repeated calls to the insurance company I finally spoke to a home office manager who informed me that my claim was denied due to misrepresentation. I compiled with the investigation and turned in all keys. The auto theft investigator told me that several cars had been recovered in the same location on fire. I have paid over 3500 on a rental car and since the insurance company denied my claim, gap will not pay a cent. I can't obtain another vehicle with an outstanding loan. I didn't do this to my truck and I have no idea how to prove that I'm innocent. Please Help
ANSWER: Hello,
Everybody that gets denied has to understand how it works. You are guilty until proven innocent and sometimes even that does not matter.
It is the way insurance companies work to protect the bottom line.
I know for a fact, if an expert such as myself opposes them and they can't beat me on my extensive training, background, experience and methodology, they go personal with lies and charges in an effort to ruin my credibility. They have tried very hard to get rid of a real threat that commonly assists the client attorney as to how a particular vehicle can be stolen. We are still here!!! I am only the expert in such cases, so can you imagine how they treat innocent insureds?
They do not have to prove anything and all they need is innuendo and the opinion of their bought and paid for independent expert.
Now, one of my concerns here is that you speak of some "penis" incident and state it has nothing to do with the insurance denial, but it does.
If you have anything in your background they can exploit, they will! I mean anything!!!! They will build a case that does not need to be true, it just has to appear true. It is dirty politics at its best!
The insurance may claim their denial is done to keep rates low and combat fraud. There occasionally is a flip side however that is rarely addressed in my opinion-insurer fraud!
Then there is the arrogance based on ignorance of some of these investigators. Many are stupid enough to believe that a vehicle equipped with a factory anti-theft system cannot be stolen!
Do not feel that you are the only one this happens too. My clients come from all walks of life that have been denied. Cops, firefighters,Real Estate professionals, factory workers and the list goes on and on.
If you don't want that penis exposure incident exposed to the public and the defense attorney dragging out everything about you in front of a judge or jury, you may have to bite the bullet here.
If you don't care, you need to find a bad faith attorney that will take your case that can possibly suppress your criminal situation.
If you write me at
[email protected] and tell me the name of the insurance company and the state you are in, I might be able to refer an attorney to at least speak with you.
Please be aware that in the event you file suit against the insurance company, be prepared for years before anything happens and there are no guaranties.
Some states like Michigan are horrible to try to get any money back other than possibly the cost of the car and attorney's fees. Some other states are better. It all depends on the statutes.
Also be aware that pursuing such a claim can be very costly. Some attorneys take contingencies, but we cannot due to ethics and have to be retained.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
The police report regarding the penis has nothing to do with me, I'm a woman and I have no idea how my report got combined with another. Where I live I haven't seen any attorney's that specialize in cases like mine. I was on the Internet searching for articles that I could use to assist me with my insurance issue regarding Suv with immobilizer's that have been stolen. I'm not having such luck. Is there any website that I could obtain information that would support that factory immobilizer's are not 100% full proof? More specifically new model Pathfinder's?
Thank You for your advice.
OK, now that that issue is moot, I need to explain some things to you.
Insureds think they can go back to the insurance company and show all the ways their car can be stolen, but no matter what you find, falls on deaf ears. They have decided to deny your claim and the truth about the theft of your vehicle means nothing to them.
I need to know what state you are in and what insurance company. I may or may not know an attorney that specializes in these matters.
Had a woman call me today from NJ. She was in luck and I gave her the name of three attorneys. California, Florida I know a whole host of attorneys familiar with these cases as well as other states.
The insurance company most likely assigned your vehicle examination to some hack locksmith that purports to be an expert in these matters and has determined that the only way your car could be stolen was by what is inferred to be your key.
The only option you have left is to sue and get your own expert. To my knowledge there is only one firm that will dare take on cases against the insurance experts that has more experience with stealing vehicles and as many if not more certifications than the insurance experts and that is our firm.
Insurance companies commonly blackball any expert working against them.
You need to contact me at
[email protected] so I can possibly give you direction.
Many insureds think they can "convince" the insurance company into reconsidering and paying the claim. Its a noble thought, but the truth of the matter is that they deny everyone that has a vehicle equipped with an anti-theft system. This is how they get richer by not paying the claim.
They are not scared of you or any attorney you hire. Its a game and the insured ends up the loser.
It has cost our business tremendously by representing the little guy (insured) and of course our services can't be at no cost either because we need to make a living too. We have a success rate of over 95%, but obviously we cannot guaranty positive results either. We have been very successful at revealing the inaccurate statements by the insurance experts and we have made a lot of enemies because we have not succumbed to the fraud and corruption.
For me, the insurance company's lawyers had worked with those experts I successfully opposed and they managed to get me put under federal investigation for a year before I was cleared of any wrong doing.
You may think you are singled out, however we get 5 calls a day from people just like you.
We are representing a police officer that has more than 3 decades on the job that they have pulled the same crap. He stands to lose his job if they get away with their crap.
One of my clients was involved in a court martial. He was looking at time in the brig and a dishonorable discharge. The expert had only 3 out of 8 burned tumblers from the lock and assumed that this totally burned vehicle was operated with his transponder key. He was acquitted after I testified, but this is the crap they pull!
Review our site and get back to me through personal email.