Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance claim, sherry sherry, insurance premiums

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.My husband backed into a friends car parked in our yard. No damage to our car but damage to the friends car. We got an estimate from a friend who does repair work of 740.00. I asked him if he could just take the dents out and repaint it instead of using all new parts since we were not going to file a claim and since it was an older car and didn't have to be perfect. He said he would try. It ended up costing the 740.00 anyway. My question: is it to late to file a claim with my insurance since the car has already been repaired? Would our insurance premiums go up so much that we would be better off just to pay for it ourselves? We have a deductible of 250.00.
Thanks in advance


Your deductible does not come into play in a liability claim. They will pay the cost for the repairs. It is impossible for me to say what your insurance company would do with respect to your premiums, as each has their own rules and limits where the rates are increased.

Your insurance company may deny coverage for the claim as they didn't have the opportunity to see the car before it was repaired. However, you can inform them of the claim and see what they say.
