Auto Insurance Claims: car collision, rear view mirror, car collision

I was involved in an accident and was wondering the fault of the accident.  I was on a 3-lane highway in the left most lane.  The cars ahead of me were coming to a stop, and I looked in my rear view mirror to signal and then change into the center lane.  There was a car in the right most lane who also changed lanes into the center lane at the same time.  My damage is to the front right bumper.  The other car's damage is on the panel behind the driver's side; it's a 4-door car.

Thanks for your help,

Hi Alice,

Based on your description, it sounds like liability will be decided to be 50/50. Since the other car was a little ahead of you it is possible they will decide a little higher percentage of liability on you.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh