Auto Insurance Claims: Vehicle to pedestrian accident, cortisone shot, cortisone shots
QuestionHow do I best present my case to the insurance company and how long do I wait to try to settle? At this time I am not receiving any therapy or treatment. Last hip coritsone shot was in April. I am trying to make a settlement with the driver's insurance company. Accident was May 22, 2008. I was struck on my right side so I have hip injuries - two cortisone shots and 4 months of physical therapy; two tears in right rotator cuff, sling for two weeks - 1 cortisone shot and 3 months of physical therapy; two triggering thumbs from the accident - wore splints on both thumbs for 3 weeks - 1 cortisone shot in left thumb; in 07 I had breast cancer and had nodes removed under my left arm and after the accident I was using my left arm more and developed the onset of lymphedema - not full blown yet - I have a letter from my lymphedemist at the Mayo clinic that the accident caused it; I am on anti-depression meds; my doctor wrote me a disability letter and I continue on wage loss from my own company. I will not be able to work at my motel anymore because of the duties required. I expected to work until age 70 - I am now 65. Prognosis: I could have lifelong issues with my hip, rotator cuff, trigger thumbs -could actually end up having surgery on my thumbs. Depression who knows. Lymphedema could become a grotesque disfigurement.
AnswerHi Sandy,
You will need to develope a "Demand Package". This is essentially a letter that first outlines the accident, that their insured was at fault ets. Then it goes on to show all of the doctors, therapy etc. including all of the dates of service and the costs for each visit. You will also attach the bills as proof. You will then lay out the total costs of all treatment and therapy as a total dollar amount, then show lost wages (along with proof) then show pain & suffering. The total of all of these is what you will be demanding for settlement.
For help in developing this demand package you should visit . This is a website develpoed by the Better Business Bureau Video Series. This website will walk you through the process of creating your demand package and will also suggest high and low claim value ranges.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh