Auto Insurance Claims: Stolen vehicle, shade tree mechanic, local news station

I gave the keys to my daughter's car to a repair person, he called and asked for 3 times the amount, I denied and have never seen the car again, I submitted a claim to GMAC 4 month's ago and today they said it's a civil matter and we do not cover this kind of theft !!!what's my recourse


Unfortunately, this would not be considered a stolen car because in essence, by handing over the keys to the car, you or your daughter if you will gave quazi authorization for the repair person to operate the car. I don't even think the police will get involved in this situation even though you have never seen the car again.

You dsid not state if this was some kind of a shade tree mechanic or a reputable service center. Your options would be different. If a reputable repair facility, you could go to your local news station that does these type of consumer investigations.

You could in either case sue through small claims court, but even if there is a judgement against the shade tree mechanic, there is no guaranty you will ever recover any money.

More importantly, if I were you, I would be more concerned about liability because you don't know where this car is. If the repair person or whoever he gave the car to is involved in a wreck, your daughter is now liable. Your insurance company has already washed their hands of it. This is not good. She is also liable for any parking tickets.

Now, I do not know what state you are from or the laws, but I would go to the local DMV and cancel the plates on it. If you are in a state like Texas, the cops can determine if the registration is good and if there is insurance on it. If you can cancel the plates, you may want to ask them if they have any suggestions.

You may have just lost a vehicle if this guy is shady and as I stated, the concern now is to look at future liability this guy can get you and your daughter in.

The problem these days, it is hard to trust anyone and if this repair person was just doing the repair on the side that seemed less expensive, you now know why.

I try to suggest for the consumer to always look out for themselves. Rarely, are deals ever deals and one way or another you pay. The service centers are less and commonly better and cheaper and chances are, you have some sort of recourse. When dealing with a guy capable of elevator time (gets you in cheap and once disassembled, gouges you)there is not too much that can be done.

It's not fair, but happens all the time.

Try some of my suggestions. I wish you luck!
