QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I was involved in an accident, when my car hit a light pole on a town street. Except for the pole and my car nothing was damagedand nobody ws injured.
The police officer arriving at the location of the accident took all the information about the car, insurance , etc. No citation was issued, and I never received any notes, claims. and the likes from whoever owned the light pole.
My insurance company considered me at fault but
honored my claim. As a result the insurance paid for the damages. The car was fixed and I only paid the deductible.
I assumed that the insurance will file the Accident report to DMV. However, 1.5 mos after the accident I received a letter from my insurance advising me to file the Accident Report.
Since it must be only 10 days gap between the accident and filing the report what should I do? I am worried that now my driver license is going to be suspended.
On the other hand, the insurance agent from the Claims Dept. advised me not to worry and not to file the Accident report.
I am looking forward to your reply!
Thanks in advance.
ANSWER: Hi Alex,
Each state has different requirements as to when a driver needs to file an accident report. If there was a police report made I would think that would do it. I am not familiar with specific state requirements on filing accident reports. You should contact your state DMV to find out what the requirement is and then comply with that requirement.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Dear Mr.Hixenbaugh,
Thanks for the very prompt reply.
CA requires filing the report within 10 days after the accident, threatening by a possible license suspension. As I wrote before, I receive the form from the Insurance Company 1.5 months after the accident.
It seems that even I would file the report, I will be at fault due to the late filing.
Moreover, since nobody ever filed the claim about the damaged light pole, I am not sure what should I write in the Form about damages to the pole.
Thanks again,
AnswerHi Alex,
You would simply tell the truth. Explain what damage occured to the light pole. The purpose of the report is so that the owner of the light pole can seek reimbursement for the cost of the damage. If they do, it will be covered by your insurance.
You can call the DMV and ask a "Hypothetical" question. Just ask what could happen if someone files the report late because their insurance company sent them the form late. That is the only way you will know for sure what will happen is to speak directly with someone at the DMV.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh