Auto Insurance Claims: HIT & RUN, I GOT PLATE NUMBER, WHAT SHOULD I DO??, hit and run auto
QuestionMy car was parked in a local YMCA parking lot. Someone pulled out of their spot and hit my car, did not leave any info or stop for that matter and left the scene. Luckily, a pedestrian (witness) got the plate number and left a note on my car with her contact info. I spoke to her and she is willing to talk to anyone on my behalf. I went to the local precinct and unbelievably, were not much help. They said I shouldn't have moved the car and called 911 to make a accident report. In other words, they only make reports on the scene, not if you walk-in to the police station. I don't know what to do now. I only have liability on my insurance and don't want to report to them if they're not going to help me or if my rates will go up. I do have "supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist" coverage but not sure if this helps. The damage to my car is probably between $700 to $1000 and I am in the state of NY, insurance is with GEIcO. What is my best course of action here? PLEASE HELP FAST!
AnswerDear visitor, I changed your question to "public" since we advisors get no "PR" for private questions, and you are getting our time for free here. UMPD usually covers up to 3k.
If you have UMPD (property damage) then turn it in to your own carrier. Your rates should not go up if the accident was not your fault. But check that with your agent before turning in the claim to your own carrier.
Other alternative is since you have the cars plate number, get the owners name and sue him in small claims court if he does not pay you or turn it in to his insurer on his own.