QuestionQUESTION: My glasses were broken in a car accident (no injury). My car has full coverage and I will file a collision claim with my own insurance for the car damage. Can I get my broken glasses paid by my insurance? What coverage will pay for it? Thanks.
ANSWER: Hello Ray,
Personal property is not covered by your own auto policy. If someone else caused the accident, then their policy would have to pay your under their liability coverage (they are liable for the damages to your glasses).
Some auto policies (although very rare) extend coverage for glasses and medically necessary devices under the PIP or medical coverage section, but again, this is rather rare.
For more information about PIP, please see:
Good luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your answer. My full coverage does not include the medical payments but uninsured motorist coverage. If my collision or comprehensive coverage does not pay my personal property damage in the car, can my uninsured motorist coverage pay my personal property damage? If no but the fault will be split to 50/50, how will my insurance or I recover the payments?
AnswerHello Ray,
uninsured motorist coverage will kick in if the accident is not your fault and the other party is not insured.
If fault is split (in a pure negligence state), and the other party is not insured, then your UIM coverage could pay for the percentage of damage you did not cause ($300 glasses, 50% split fault, pure negligence state, you should get $150).
The insurance company would have to send to collections or write it off in their books.
Good Luck