Auto Insurance Claims: value if injury claim / ins co offer, value if injury claim / ins co offer, damages

I was hit in the rear by another motorcycle in Texas. At 50-60 mph I was thrown to the pavement, tumbled and slid a long distance.  The other drivers ins co has accepted liability.  Because I was lucky and also wore good protective equipment my injuries were relativly minor consisting of silver dollar size abrasions on both elbows and knees that took about three weeks to heal.  In addition I suffered bruised or seperated ribs. The rib injuries are painful when I sneeze, cough, laugh, bend over, roll over in bed, etc.  I have not visited a doctor.  Generally the pain can be controlled by over the counter pain pills such as Alieve.  
The ins co interviewed me and has made a $1,250 offer even though I have not asserted an claim. Do you have any idea of what range the ins co might negociate?  What kind of counter offer would be appropriate?  The ins co is being very nice and has sent me a release form to sign for personal injury.  Damage to my motorcycle is about $10,000; the ins co appears to want to jerk me around over about $2,000 of the repair cost but has agreed to pay about $1,000 to replace my safety equipment.  I am 63 yrs old - to old to be tumbling down the road. Do you have any suggestions to help in negociating in this situation?  Please let me know.  PLJ

Hello Perc,

I am sorry to hear about your injury and motorcycle. This is hard because you are in Canada and I only do U.S. claims. If you were on the U.S., you would not be entitle to compensation for the injury unless you can show your injury with objective evidence (medical evidence). Simply stating that you had pain and had to take alieve will not be sufficient. The insurance company may make you and offer, but that is simply to cover their basis in case you do decide to go to the doctor.

Please see:

You really want to talk to a local attorney.

I hope this helps some.

Good Luck