Auto Insurance Claims: Rear end collision, Rear end collision, damages

While riding passenger, my boss's truck was rearended. The collision resulted in a complete loss of the truck. The impact forced the truck into the truck in front of us, resulting in front end damage as well. I was off work for 6 weeks, and was released from Workers Comp after 8 weeks. During this time I received workers comp wages. My injuries were soft tissue damage. I went to 9 physical therapy sessions as well as several workers comp doctor appointments. I am now dealing with the 3rd parties insurance company (the insurance company of the person that rear ended us). They are wanting to settle the case for much lower than I would expect. My medical bills were reduced to 1800 (much lower than the orginal medical bills of almost 5,000). My lost wage is 1000.00 (the difference between what I would have made working and what I was given from Workers Comp). The total owed back to workers comp is $5700. The insurance adjuster is wanting to give me only 4500, and that is including the 1000.00 for lost wages. Does this sound to low to you?  I feel like it is a slap in my face to be so low. The insurance adjuster seems very much against trying to come to an agruement. I live in California and that is where the accident took place. Any help and advice would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Hello Ryan,

I am sorry to hear about your accident and injuries.

That does sound very low, but it is very hard to determine this without looking at your medical records. Sometimes doctors can write things that damage your settlement.

At any rate, you should take a look at this website so you make sure you include everything you can ask in your settlement, see:

I hope this helps,

Good Luck