Auto Insurance Claims: Personal injury/ medical records question, Personal injury/ medical records question
QuestionThis may be off-topic but I thought I'd ask. I was in a rear end collision in August of 08, other driver at fault, I ended up with a back injury, received treatment up to and including nerve ablation. Anywho, I've had a phone conversation with the other party's auto insurance adjuster. Here's what puzzles me: I did NOT sign any medical information authorization/release form. Yet the insurance adjuster knew which doctors I've seen recently and doctors I haven't seen in over 10 years. How is this possible? I have United Healthcare insurance. Could they have given out my medical information and is that legal? I thought I had to give permission for anyone to access my medical records, including my health insurance records.
AnswerHello Donna,
Yeah, that does not right. You must sign a release before your records can be surrender. You can simply ask them how they gained access to that information.
HIPAA protects you against this type of thing.
For more information about car accidents and injury claims, please see:
I hope this helps,
Good Luck,