QuestionI was run off the center lane while driving the posted speed limit on I95. The vehicle that hit me came from the far right line passing infront of my car, forcing me to hit my breaks as his vehicle nearly cut me off as he was passing into the far left lane to take off and go aprx'ly faster than the posted limit. Before i noticed he(the other vehicle) was gone and I was trying to slow down while at the same time "skidding" in the middle of traffic and taking "360@" turns into traffic. At this point I thought my life was over until I has opened my eyes. I was heading in the oppislt direction heading straight for the wall. After that all I remember was a nice man told me to sit still, not to look at myself in the mirror and that help was on the way. Thank GOD for him!!! I was a wreck, the car was a wreck, I was scared and taken by the ambulance to the hospital. Thank GOD my mother has "uninsured motorist". My first accident ever and on I95 of all places.
Well, I'm not the same since that accident.I'm glad I had "uninsured motorist", and I believe my insurance company is worth what they're paid for, "USAA" insurance, and just in case good accident attorney that I hired to represent my claim, but still, I don't feel it's enough. I was really injured in this accident and the car was totaled, and I went as far as having back surgery, that by the way, has not cured the back problems I have since, everyday. 100,000.00 uninsured coverage, and they offered only 25,000!! The surgery and doctors cost more than that, not including what I have had to endure, and the pain I can't put into words!!! Is it that difficult to obtain what you take coverage premiums out for to get????!!! I don't get It? I need help... I want at least 80,000 of my coverage for the pain and suffering I have had to endure, along with the pain and suffering I will have to put up with for the "rest of my life" You KNOW!!!"" HELP HELP HELP
Thank you for your support.
AnswerHi Anne,
Despite your initial feeling that USAA was a good company, ALL insurance comapnies are snakes that will bite you when you really need their help. You should tell your attorney not to accept any amount of settlement unless it is specifically approved by you. This may be a case that will need to go to court for you to be reasonably compensated. You should be sure that your attorney is ready and willing to go to court if necessary. If not, then you need to get another attorney. The negotiating process could take some time. So give your attorney the benefit of the doubt. If you have any questions regarding your car and its progress, you should contact your attorney. He knows your case better that anyone else.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh