Auto Insurance Claims: uninsured driver driving insured vehicle, ohio thanks, uninsured driver
Question My friend and I were out one night, I had too much to drink and asked if he could drive as he had not been drinking at all. While driving home, one of the tires on my car blew out and my friend lost control of the vehicle. We struck a couple road signs, but no one else was involved and neither of us were injured at all. He realized later on that he was late on a payment and his insurance ran out for a few weeks, overlapping the date of the accident. I have full coverage on my leased car and was wondering if my insurance would cover the damage to my car. We are very good friends and I am in no way upset with him, and am worried if he will get in trouble at all. He was cited with a failure to control which he has to appear in court for. We live in Ohio. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.
AnswerDear Matt,
Your friend was driving your car under permissive use, which is when you allow someone to operate your car. Your insurer should cover the loss under your collision coverage, which is subject to your deductible. Call them and report the claim.