Auto Insurance Claims: leased car totalled, dillema, credit score

My leased car was totaled, I was not at all at fault. I am currently laid off. Who will finance me to get a new car, even though my credit score is good and I never was late on a payment. I feel I was violated, this is not fair.

Hi Ben,

Trust me when I say I can relate to your situation. It's not fair, I agree.

The way it seems these days that the guy that took pride in his credit, paid his bills on time and tried to do everything right, just gets screwed.

If you overleveraged your car or your house or you are a slug, the government and others want you!

I wish I had some great news of someone that could help, but you may have to do like me and just have paid off stuff. I have accepted the things life has thrown at me.

In fact, I have changed my financial habits and although I don't have the new car anymore, that is just one last bill I have to worry about paying.

Over the years, I have also seen others go through this. Their car was stolen, totalled and of course it happened when they had little income from being laid off.

I guess what I am saying is hopefully you will get comfort to know you are not alone in this dillema.

A lady wrote me a while back where her car was damaged by a drunk illegal without insurance and a license. She too was violated. She couldn't sue, she had no recourse to get her car fixed.

I could think of many in government to blame here, but I won't go into that here.

Hang in there and better luck to you
