Auto Insurance Claims: repossession and no insurance, mva, loan company
My car was repossessed and I did not have insurance. I do now and have the money to pay for the return of my car. Because of the lack of insurance, MVA has a penalty. Will I be able to get my car back without paying the penalty? I need more time to pay it but need to get my car before it is sold to an auction.
I have to sign a restricted Power of attorney vehicle form that goes to MVA. Will MVA prevent me from getting my car because I did not pay the fee?
AnswerHi Tanya,
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with each states MVA regulations. You should call the loan company and askl them what will be required to pick up your car. If they say that the MVA must release your car only after you pay the penalty, then you will know.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh