Auto Insurance Claims: Auto accident info, better busines bureau, hi chris
Questionhi i was in an auto accident where a drunk driver ran a stop sign and i T boned his car. he was at fault and my car was totaled. my first question is my car is only valued at 2000 and thats what the adjuster offered me. will i be able to ask for more for the trouble of getting a new car?
Second question is i am seeing a chiropractor for my injuries. How much should i ask for in my liability claim. or should i speak with a lawyer?
AnswerHi Chris,
If you feel that the offer of $2000.00 is fair for your car, then you should accept the offer. Unfortunately, you are not able to be paid extra for the inconvenience of looking for another car.
As for your injury claim, you should visit . This is a website produced by the Better Busines Bureau Video Series. It will help you keep track of all of your medical bills and will also help determine an appropriate settlement. It will also help you prepare a demand package to help get the process started.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh