Auto Insurance Claims: auto claim, car damage, auto claim

Hi Richard you answered a question for me about a week ago regarding an auto accident , it was a hit and run. I wasn't at fault. My question was that i have 2 policies and wondered if both policy would pay. Your answer was only the one covering the rental car. I have papers saying that i have a claim through the other policy for the same hit and run accident. Can you maybe explain it for me. I know i need to contact my company but thought i might get a little insite first. thanks again Susan

Hi Susan,

I'm not sure I understand your question but I'll do my best.

The insurance company that will pay the claim on the rental car damage is the same insurance company that is paying for the damage to your own car and provided the rental car to you. If somehow your 2nd insurance policy has started a claim, then the likely event is that the two insurance companies will each pay half of the total claim for the rental car damage. You can not be pid twice for the samage damage. If you look in your auto policies you will find a "Coordination of Payments" clause that indicates in the event of double coverage they will pro-rate any claims with the other insurance.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh