Auto Insurance Claims: parking lot accident, auto insurance claim, parking lot accident

QUESTION: I was leaving at a medical building parking lot. When I backing off a car and stop and then I backing off a little bit, at that time I hit a man who is getting his car at the back. He said he is okay and just scratch his knee. He put down my name and license number and registration number. He said he will see if he need to report the insurance claim. I want to know what should I do now and what will be the responsibility on me if he report the claim. He refuse to see the doctor when I ask if he needs me to call a doctor.

ANSWER: Hello Fanny,

Well this is very difficult. It really depends on what kind of damage (or injury) you believe you cause AND what is this person looking for.

The fact that you touch him can mean that you are liable for his injuries and/or pain and suffering (medical bills also). Nowadays, it does not take much for a person to make this type of claim.

If you fail to report the claim, your insurance company can decline payment. Please see:

You might want to call your insurance company and tell them what happened. Nothing might come out of this, but it will protect your interest much more.

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If I report my insurance company, will it affect my record or premium even if the man end up didn't take any action? Are there any limitation that the man have to report the claim? (Within how many days?)



Yeah, it could affect your premium. In fact, it will. The question is how much? Some insurance companies only consider risk, which this incident shows that you are a riskier driver to insured than before. If there are no payments, then there is a chance that the increase be slight or close to nothing (few cents per month or that type of thing).

Every insurance company is different and some might not take it into account, but again, they will look at risk.

On your second point, how many days? For damage to property damage (car, pants, clothing, etc) about 2 years and for injury about the same (it depends on your state, some have 6 years statute of limitations, and some had only 2). He would have whatever is withing the statute of limitation.

Good Luck