Auto Insurance Claims: what can i expect, auto accident

i was rear ended and the other motorist was determined 100% at fault.  i had only min liability ins / he had full coverage all state.  the damages to my vehicle were minimal in that the vehicle is still drivable however not operating well due to damages sustained to presumably the cadillitic converter or ?? .. i had dropped the vehicle off at a shop on friday and they will begin to prepare the estimate today, monday.  i did receive a rental car and the insurance co. that is at fault advised me they cover only 3 days for the rental howecver my vehicle will be in the shop longer.  please advise me what i should do / expect / what would be my best course of action at this time.  as far as bodily injuries to myself: some back & neck pain, some headaches, also i had an existing condition where i have a bullet that is lodged in my spine that i have to live with for my entire life with the intense risk of possible aggrevation of the condition which could result in 80% chance of total peralysis.  i have not yet been to any medical practitioner yet for help.  please rsvp this is my first time with a situation of this sort.  thank you..

Hi Felix,

1. If you truly think the bullet in your spine could be aggravated and cause future problems, and the injuries, you should sign up with one of the "accident attorneys" listed in the phone book yellow pages in your area. They are paid a percentage of your settlement. They are a dime dozen, so don't just hire one because he has a big ad. And the ad "no recovery, no fee" is worthless in your case. An attorney can sign you up, then sit back and do nothing and take whatever the insurance company offers. Talk to friends and neighbors to see who they recommend. Everyone knows someone who has had an attorney in an accident.

The attorney should have doctors who can check you out, without you paying in advance, if you assign their fees to your claim.

2. If you want to play "softball", ask the adjuster to send you to "his" doctor to check you out.

3. The insurance company owes you for a rental car for as long as it takes to fix your car. So if they cut you off while your car is still in the shop, add "loss of use" (what a rental would cost) to your claim or lawsuit.

4. Make sure the shop writes on their estimate or bill that the damage could have been caused from the accident.