QuestionI was involved in a serious rollover accident caused by a phantom vehicle over a year ago. I hired an attorney and now the insurance company is saying there is no proof of a phantom vehicle, even though the highway trooper included a statement from a witness saying she saw the other car cut me off causing accident, the trooper did not include witness name or number and i was not in the position at the time to think clearly to get her info. I thought the trooper was doing that. I had a passenger and she clearly remembers and states that we were cut off by the vehicle. Thankfully we both basically walked away, but i had a borken collar bone and head injury which i am still getting treatment for. My lawyer says not to worry that we will litigate, but they (insurance co.) are finding me at fault and my premium is sky high, and now im having anxiety about this whole thing. in your experience, any thing you can tell me will help. thanks in advance.
AnswerHello Lisa,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. You are represented by an attorney which is the best thing you can do (or have) right now. Your lawyer can help you with the phantom vehicle claim issue (whether it existed or not). Sounds like she is on top of that so no need to worry about it (do check with her everyone in a while).
Regarding the premium – what a dirty tactic. I hate to see this happen but insurance company play dirty games (i.e. Jack up your premium to make up for whatever claim you may have). The only best thing you can do now is to get a quote and compare prices. The claim is still under investigation and therefore you should not appear at fault – unless the insurance company is doing something out of bounds.
Get a quote to see if your rates are also increased from other carriers. If they are, then you can rest assure that the insurance company is blaming this whole thing on you. Call them and have them take it of (have your attorney do it).
If the rates are where they are supposed to be, then you show the quotes to your agent and request that your rates be reduced or you will switch carriers. To get a quote, I recommend:
I hope this helps