Auto Insurance Claims: Bike Rack Damage in Auto Accident, Bike Rack Damage, little damage

I just recently rear ended other car while waiting on the light change.  I guess, I was moving 3-5 miles.  I understatnt that it is my fault, but the care in front of me had a bike rack on a hitch and did not have any damage.
My card had license plate banged up where the bike rack contacted the plate.
Althought there is no other visible damage and the other person did not feel that they needed to get an damage estimation, he is request to get a brand new bike rack.  It is $400 new, but the one he has seems to be used for very long time (at leat 4 years.).  Would it be better to pay him off or should I let him go thorough the insurance?  I really do not want to have any negative mark that will impact my policy for the future.

Please help.

Hello Chris,

Well, you have a duty to report your losses, please see:

You can choose to pay out of pocket (which you do not owe for a brand new bike rack), and be done with it. However, nothing stops this fellow form coming back to you and making an injury claim. If that is the case, you might have forfeited your coverage (see the link above).

So, what I am trying to tell you is this, you can pay him and be done with it (taking the risk that he might come back later on), or you can go to insurance and have them give him what is fair and protecting your coverage.

It is a hard call.

Good luck,