Auto Insurance Claims: enes, rob painter,

hi i have with state farm insurance   they send me notice of nonrenewal for policys  she had one accident in 2006 car was fixed  
and father had 2 accident in 2008  (car was totaled 2nd time but it was old car 1996 chevy lumina the total price was $2300 ) im many years now with state farm can i do anything what is my best option to get insurance they were good to me and low rates now this can i do anything about this nonrenewal notice is not fair i cant have a accidents?


These economic times are tight, even for insurance companies. Insurance companies are looking for risks accociated to their exposure.

You state that the total out was only $2,300.00. That does not really play the role in this case. If the claim was $500 or $10,000, it is still a claim. The second as you say. You may have hd insurance for a number of years with no claims, but that is not considered after 3 or 5 years, depending on the company.

These days, even 2 comp claims like maybe2 windshields in 3-5 years may get you cancelled, even though this was not your fault.

I have seen insured's with 2 theft claims in three years--cancelled!

It's all about risk. I have had a cracked windshield for 5 years and never dared claim it, because I look at insurance as for catastrophies. Not using it, keeps my rates down.

A couple of years ago, my former girlfriend had State Farm for 20 years with no claims.

The night she met me, she was drinking quite heavily. I suggested a hotel (no, not for wild times), but I didn't want her on the road. She opted to drive her tiny Hundai Santa Fe. She was on her way home. Got off an expressway ramp,ran a stop sign and was t-boned by a semi going 60-70. She was very lucky she was not seriously injured or killed.

She got cited for DWI and her license was suspended for 6 months. First violation ever. State Farm dropped her.

She went to AIG and got insurance for half the cost.

I am not stating that State Farm is bad or good, nor am I about AIG.

Look at the insurance companies as hedging a bet that the insured will not have a claim. The minute a pattern of risk develops, its time to re-evaluate the risk. In your case, you got the non-renewal letter.

Remember, be honest on your new insurance app about any accidents or tickets. Most insurance companies are linked throughout the US and can verify your information.

Some people think they are sneaky not claiming an accident, but if there is a report, there is a record. If you lie on the application form, you may be paying for insurance only to find you are not covered when that next accident occurs.
ge, it will cost you more.

Good Luck.

I would recommend finding insurance now, because in many cases, if you go over 30 days without covera