Auto Insurance Claims: Car meets Motorcyle-Whos at Fault, apron, motorcycle

While making a left into a driveway on a two way street-two lanes in each direction-traffic was at a stop, while pulling through the first lane and entering the second lane pulling into the driveway a motorcycle must have been driving between lanes-we collided at the apron of the driveway-my front driverside bumper is only scratched.  Who's at fault? As all traffic was stopped.

Hi Louise,

In most cases the car that is turning left would be at fault because the vehicles in the oncomming lanes are considered to have the right of way. However, if there are any witnessess that would state that all traffic was stopped and the motorcycle was in fact wearing between the lanes, then you may be able to make the case that the motorcycle was at fault.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh