Auto Insurance Claims: driver at faults insurance if being real unfair, home owners insurance, doctors co
QuestionOK long story short me and my mom feel cheated our lawyer has called recently and told us that the driver at faults insurance company will not budge on a fair amount for our pain (her $15.000 me only $2.500)and we feel that after lawyers fee's and the doctors co-pays (should we have to pay them or can we make the driver that is at fault pay them?)that we are going to be left with almost nothing what me and my mother wanted to know is if since the other drivers insurance want to take the easy way out could we go after there home owners insurance? or are there other thing we can do?
AnswerHi Richard,
You can not go after their homeowners insurance. You just need to tell your attorney tat you are not willing to settle for that amount and that you want him to file a law suit and you will take your chances in court. You can not go after anything other than the at-fault persons insurance unless your total claim exceeds the amount of coverage he has. His insurance company is just trying to settle for as little as possible. That is their job. Your lawyers job is to hold out for as much as he can get. You should ask your lawyer what he thinks your chances are of doing better in court.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh